On behalf of our entire community, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Saint Gilbert Parish! We regard ourselves not just as a warm and welcoming Catholic congregation, but as a family of committed disciples of Jesus Christ, broad and diverse, yet reflective of our small-town heritage.
The life and mission of our parish expresses itself in three areas of endeavor - liturgy and prayer, faith formation, and community-building and service. This statement of mission can be summarized in three simple words - prayer, learning, and service - because that’s what we believe the Gospel and the Church call us to as intentional followers of Christ.
I am partial, of course, but I believe we at Saint Gilbert do these three things effectively, and that is attributable to the commitment and efforts of many dedicated volunteers, members of parish ministries, and staff who carefully plan, organize, and direct the work of building Christ’s Kingdom in our midst. We are privileged to serve you in the name of Christ, and we invite you to join with us by offering your talents and what time you are able to the service of others.
Fr. John Chrzan


Access daily reflections and prayers to explore throughout the Season of Lent. Links will be active weekly.
First Sunday of Lent: 3-9-2025
Second Sunday of Lent: 3-16-2025
Third Sunday of Lent: 3-23-2025
Fourth Sunday of Lent: 3-30-2025
Fifth Sunday of Lent: 4-6-2025
Palm Sunday: 4-13-2025
Easter Sunday: 4-20-2025
We are called, transformed, blessed and sent into the world to share good news of what God has done for us in Christ our Savior, and the magnitude of this mystery fills our hearts with gratitude and joy. - Fr. John
Additional reflections, parish events, schedules, and news can be found in the Saint Gilbert Parish weekly Bulletin.
Visit the Penitent Soldiers of Mary webpage to learn more about our mission and join us for Thursday Night Holy Hours.


The Knights of Columbus proudly announces the 2025​ Saint Gilbert Parish Fryday Night Fish Fry’s!
March 14 (advanced tickets by 3/10/25)
April 4 (advanced tickets by 03/31/25)​​
5:00PM – 8:00PM
St. Gilbert Parish Center Gym
Dine In Only​
Discover additional information regarding Masses as well as opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship in the links below.
Liturgy News & Notes​​​​​​​​
Saint Gilbert 10-Day Pilgrimage to Italy & England for Jubilee Year 2025, September 1-10, Led by Fr. John Chrzan. Please see Peter's Way travel brochure for details and registration:
For local food pantry inquiries, please contact Avon Township at (847) 546-1446.
For all other basic essentials of living inquiries, please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at (224) 360-9161. All help is confidential.


The Annual Catholic Appeal is an invitation for every Catholic family to respond with a generous heart. Your gift will provide inspiration, education and services to the less fortunate in our Archdiocese and throughout the world. As always, we are eternally grateful for the continued support of our faith community as we work collaboratively to carry out the work of Christ here at Saint Gilbert Parish. Please visit the Annual Catholic Appeal website for additional information. This effort does so much to help our parish, our community and ministries that are vital to the archdiocese. Please consider making a gift to support the Annual Catholic Appeal this year and join us as “Together We Bring Hope."

Saturday Vigil Mass for Sunday: 5:00PM
Sunday Masses:
7:30AM (Missa Brevis)
9:00AM (Traditional Choral)
11:00AM (Contemporary Music)
5:00PM (Reinstated beginning with the
Feast of Epiphany on January 5, 2025.)
Monday through Saturday:
8:00AM (Chapel)
(11:00AM Sunday and 8:00AM Weekday Masses
simultaneously LIVESTREAMED on YouTube)
Saturdays: 4:00PM-4:45PM (Church)
Appointments available upon request.
Wednesday: 9:00AM-9:00PM (Chapel)
(Benediction at 8:50PM)
Please Note: There is no Adoration on
Wednesday, 12/25/24 or Wednesday, 1/1/25.
Ash Wednesday Masses with Ash Distribution:
6:30AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM, 4:00PM, & 7:00PM (all in Church)
Easter Vigil: 7:00 PM
(Simultaneously LIVESTREAMED on YouTube)
Easter Sunday: 7:30AM (Church),
9:00AM & 11:00AM (Church & Chapel)
(11:00AM Mass simultaneously LIVESTREAMED on YouTube)
All Saints: November 1
6:30AM (Chapel), 8:00AM & 7:00PM (Church)
All Souls' Remembrance Mass: November 7
(Observance moved from November 2)
7:00PM (Church)
Thanksgiving Day: 9:00AM
Immaculate Conception: December 9
(Observance moved from December 8; not a Holy Day of Obligation for 2024)
8:00AM (Church)
Christmas Eve Vigil: December 24
3:00PM (Church & Chapel)
5:00PM (Church)
10:00PM (Church - Carols begin prior to Mass)
(3:00PM & 10:00PM Mass simultaneously LIVESTREAMED on YouTube)
Christmas Day: December 25
9:00AM (Church)
11:00AM (Church)
New Year's Eve Vigil: December 31
5:00PM (Church)
New Year's Day (Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God): January 1
9:00AM (Church)
11:00AM (Church)
(9:00AM Mass simultaneously LIVESTREAMED on YouTube)
Please note: We offer a Hearing Loop for those members who are hearing impaired. Switch hearing aid to T-Coil.