Session #5
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Families, sponsors, etc. come 7-8PM
*Erickson's group*
Session #6
Sunday, November 17, 2024
*Delaney's group*
Session #7
Sunday, December 15, 2024
*Breines' group*
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Sunday, May 11, 2025
Bishop Grob​
1. Sunday, November 24, 2024 (Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe)
Take a minute to consciously acknowledge that you are in the presence of God and ask him to help you to hear the Word he wants you to hear this week.
Here’s a link to Sunday, November 24th’s readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/112424.cfm
Jesus is questioned by Pilate about the charge brought against him that he is “King of the Jews.”
Read together this Gospel, John 18:33b-37 and discuss the following questions together.
How do you imagine Pilate?
What sort of person does he seem to be?
How might Pilate have felt when he first met Jesus?
How is God’s kingdom different from the kingdoms of this world?
How do we live both within this world and within Jesus’ kingdom?
In what ways is Jesus misunderstood and/or misrepresented today?
What all does Jesus represent to you?
When have you failed to listen to Jesus’ voice?
* Read about it
THE ORIGINS OF THIS SOLEMNITY Pope Pius XI established the feast of Christ the King in 1925 in response to totalitarianism, secularism, and other forces opposed to God’s reign. Pius wanted to remind people that everything belonged to the risen Jesus, and so individuals and governments must subject themselves to Christ. Pius also hoped that the annual celebration of Christ’s kingship would further help Catholics to reject anything that opposed Christ’s reign.
Just like Christ sits on his throne in heaven, the priest sits in the presider’s chair in the sanctuary of the church. The chair signifies the teaching, governing, and sanctifying role of the bishop in his diocese as successor of the apostles. By extension, every celebrant’s chair in a parish church signifies the priest’s headship during the sacred liturgy and his mission to sanctify and govern those in his care. Find the presider’s chair in your church and describe its features.
Christ the King Sunday is the last Sunday of the liturgical year. Next week begins a new Church year with the first week of Advent.
* Family Challenge
As you gather as a family, recall that this Sunday is the last Sunday in the Church year and on this Sunday we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. Talk together about what it means to be a king or queen. How do those who are subjects behave toward royalty? Discuss these questions: Does Pilate treat Jesus like royalty?What does Jesus say about his kingdom? Talk about how your family shows honor and obedience to Christ our King. Pray and ask God to help your family act in ways that show you recognize and honor Christ as King.
End in Prayer
Gloria: Take time to listen to the words of the Gloria and reflect on the kingship of Christ by praying it slowly, as a family.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you,
we bless you,
we adore you,
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
2. What’s Bothering You?
Open up to current news events or personal events that are bothering you.
God, help us to be in touch with what’s bothering us and come to you in prayer. Amen.
Ask someone to read aloud Matthew 6:26 from the Bible.
Ask another family member to read aloud James 5:13-14.
Discuss the following questions:
What does this scripture passage say about our worries?
What does this scripture passage say about prayer?
Why is it important to talk about and pray over what we’re concerned with?
4. As a family, scan a news source - newspaper, online, etc. and have each family member find one news story that concerns him or her.
5. If there is something more personal that’s bothering you, you can share that as well.
6. Have family members take turns talking about the news story that concerns them. Have someone jot down notes about what each person says.
7. As a family, create a prayer that combines all the news concerns of family members.
8. End in Prayer
Pray the prayer that you created with all the news concerns of family members
End with this prayer: Give us grace to love it as you do. Give us courage to give ourselves, as you do, for the good of all people and all of your creation. Strengthen us to stand, as you do, with the vulnerable poor. Give us wisdom to know when we have enough, and the voice to say “enough” to all that harms creation and hurts the poorest. Amen
3. Musical Moments
God of mystery, it’s difficult to describe how music can touch our souls in such profound ways. As we are open to music’s influence in our lives, let us always be open to the mystery that is You. Help us to be open to hearing your voice in the music that has shaped us. Thank you for this unbelievable gift. Amen.
Have each family member share one song that has influenced them. When presenting the song, have family members introduce it using answers to these questions:
Who wrote it and what’s it called?
What was going on in your life when you first heard this song?
How does the song speak to you?
Any favorite lyrics or parts of the song?
2. Discuss the following questions:
What did the other family members think of the song?
Can someone else relate to this song as well?
3. After everyone has shared 1 song, continue in this same pattern by sharing a second song and either watch a movie based on something related to music or make up your own version of the game “Name that Tune,” using it as an opportunity to share more of the music you love with family members.
4. Close by proclaiming Psalm 95:1 - “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” together and listening to the song I Could Sing of Your Love Forever on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXSe4C-__mY
4. Sunday, December 1, 2024 (1st Sunday in Advent)
Take a minute to consciously acknowledge that you are in the presence of God and ask him to help you to hear the Word he wants you to hear this week.
Here’s a link to Sunday, December 1st’s readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/120124.cfm
Jesus teaches his disciples to be vigilant so that they will be ready when the Son of Man comes in glory.
Read together this Gospel, Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 and discuss the following questions together.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus wants us to be ready when he comes again. We do not know when that will be. What are some ways you can stay vigilant and be ready for Jesus?
The word “redemption” means being saved from sin. Does everyone in the world need to be saved from sin? Explain your answer.
What does it mean to “stand before the Son of Man” at the end of time? How can we prepare for this now?
What would it be like to be a missionary to people of other faiths and cultures?
What things lure you away from Christ?
What challenges to your faith have you already faced?
What do you need to do in order to stand confidently before Christ?
* Family Fun
Create an Advent Wreath
Advent wreaths help us to “prepare the way of the Lord.” Create an Advent wreath for your home or to give as a gift. There are a variety of ways to create an Advent wreath. Use the following idea or look up different ways to make one.
12” wire wreath frame
Soft greenery garland
Purple poinsettia flowers or other purple flowers
Advent candle set
4 candle holders
white Christmas ribbon
greenery ties
glue gun
Wrap garland around your wire wreath until it is completely covered. Use hot glue to hold it in place. Next, take the white ribbon and wrap it around until you’ve found your desired placement. Secure it with a small dab of hot glue. Using a little bit of floral wire or greenery ties, space out the candle holders as evenly in place as possible and secure in place. Fill in empty areas of your wreath with purple poinsettia flowers and use a little bit of hot glue to hold them in place. Add the candles and you’re done!
* Family Challenge
Decide as a family a way that your family can volunteer your time in service to others during the season of Advent.
End in Prayer
Blessing of the Advent Wreath
Begin with the sign of the cross.
Leader: Our help is in the name of the Lord
All: Who made heaven and earth.
[A reader proclaims Isaiah 9:1-2, 5-6.]
Reader: The Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
Leader: This wreath reminds us of God’s promise and his never-ending love. What should we pray for tonight?
[Family members share intentions.]
Leader: We lift all of these intentions and those in our hearts up to you as we pray the prayer You taught us. Our Father…
All: Amen
Leader: Let us ask for God’s blessing.
Lord our God,
we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ:
he is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples,
he is the wisdom that teaches and guides us,
He is the Savior of every nation.
Lord God,
let your blessing come upon us
as we light the candles of this wreath.
May the wreath and its light
be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation.
May he come quickly and not delay.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.