Be assured that neither Fr. John nor any member of our staff will ever contact parishioners or ministry leaders by personal email OR text to request monetary assistance. Please report any such activity as PHISHING/SPAM to:
The sacrament of anointing has been restored after the second Vatican Council to the place it held in the early community. The Rite of Anointing is a sacrament of the sick. The communion for the dying is called “Viaticum,” or food for the final journey. St. James asks us in his fifth chapter, “Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the priests of the church. They in turn are to pray over him, anointing him in the Name of the Lord. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health. If he has committed any sins, forgiveness will be his." (14-15)
Who should receive the Sacrament of Anointing?
Those who have chronic illnesses.
Those with handicaps and disabilities.
Those suffering from the pain brought on by advancing age.
Those with serious illnesses.
Those about to undergo a serious surgery.
How often should one be anointed?
As often as necessary and convenient, particularly in the situation of lengthy illness or handicap.
What happens exactly?
The ministers of the sacrament are priests, who call the Holy Spirit upon the recipient by the laying of hands on the head and then anoint the person on the hands and on the forehead with the Sign of the Cross.
Is God calling you to join the Saint Gilbert music program?
Visit our Music Ministry Page and consider sharing your musical talents!
Holy Water
Holy Water, through a priest or deacon, is blessed by God in virtue of Christ’s baptism. The Catholic Church possesses enormous power in being able to impart sacramental grace—and holy water as a sacramental receives its power through the prayer and authority of the Church. Read more on the blessing and uses of Holy Water on the Card distributed by the Saint Gilbert Discipleship Group. Holy Water Card
Please note that incense are part of the liturgical celebrations on Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil.
Gift Bearers at Mass
The ministry of Gift Bearer is a very important one. In fact, it is one of the most ancient customs of the Church to have the people provide the bread and wine for the Eucharist and gifts for the poor.
You make a difference when you accept this invitation to participate in this very important ministry!
We invite you wholeheartedly to accept this invitation! Whether singly or with family, friends or neighbors, please take this invitation seriously as an honor and take pride in what you do! Become a symbol for all of us in the gathered assembly, as we participate through your action in the Eucharist. Thank you!
What is Taizé?
Taizé is a small community of monks in central France dedicated to ecumenical prayer and promoting peace. People come from around the world, especially the young, to pray. With the great diversity of people and languages, a simple, repetitive refrain has developed over the decades. You will recognize the “Lord Jesus Christ” and most will remember the “Jesus Remember Me” from Holy Week Liturgies. In the spring we host a Taizé Prayer Service and invite you to come and pray with us and experience this sung prayer form. For more information, see the Official Taizé website: Thank you to those who participated in our Spring 2019 Taizé Lenten Prayer Service.
Annual Blessing of Pets
See you next year!
Join us for the Annual Blessing of Pets in honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Meet in the East Parking Lot next to the Saint Gilbert Chapel.
Saint Gilbert Church had a Loop Hearing System installed in the main seating area of the church in May, 2012 (through the advocacy of Dr. Linda S. Remensnyder, President of Hearing Associates, P.C.). This system enables people who have difficulty hearing to have far better reception than was previously possible. The loop provides enhanced hearing in two ways. One can either listen in via accessing their hearing aid’s T-coil (which serves as an antenna that links the listener directly to the sound system) or, for those members who do not wear hearing aids, a loop listening device is available. Since not all hearing aids have a “T-coil” switch; users may not know if their hearing aid is so equipped. The “T-coil” must be activated by an audiologist and that may not have been done. Given the above, if you use a hearing aid, please contact your audiologist and ask two questions: “Is my hearing aid equipped with a “T-coil”? If the response is, “yes,” then the second question to ask is: “Is the T-coil” active?” If that answer is, “No,” then you may want to consider making an appointment with your audiologist to get it activated.
The Loop Hearing System can be used in one of two ways: 1) switch the hearing aid “T-coil” to “ON” and adjust the volume control if you have one; 2) use one of the two black headsets provided by contacting an usher. To use the black-loop-headsets: 1) hang the device around your neck with the white label closest to your body; 2) turn the switch to “ON” and adjust the volume by continuing to twist the switch; you will see a red light flash when the device is turned on but the light does not stay lit; 3) ENJOY hearing the service with an improvement in clarity that you may not have experienced previously! When you are finished using the set, please remember to turn OFF the switch before you return the headset as instructed.
Please note that reception is best closest to the loop itself.